Why You Should Travel Now! | THE DAILY HAPPINESS

Why You Should Travel Now!

Why You Should Travel Now | THE DAILY HAPPINESS
Why You Should Travel Now | THE DAILY HAPPINESS

Interesting how habits and attitudes towards life can completely change when you get older. In my teenage years, I spent my whole money on fashion and unnecessary things. And not high fashion items like those you will keep forever, but items I didn’t wear and use after a short time anymore. My mum loves to travel, and I have always travelled with my family. Still, I would have never spent my money travelling around when I was younger. Now as a girl in her twenties, I have realised that happiness does not come from materialistic things but from relationships with each other and the world around us.

I have travelled a lot and moved abroad several times over the last few years. From my experience, I strongly recommend you take the chance and travel as often as possible. Therefore, here are reasons why you should travel now!

Why You Should Travel Now | THE DAILY HAPPINESS


The older I get, the more I realise that time really flies. There are so many things I wish I had done earlier or did in general. The world is big and has to offer a lot of adventures, experiences and happy moments. There are so many places I would love to see and explore.

Also, that feeling of regretting something is one of the worst feelings ever. Because every other feeling will fade after a time, but regretting something will haunt you forever. So take the chance as long as you can. When you reflect on your life, will you remember what you did or didn’t do?

Why You Should Travel Now | THE DAILY HAPPINESS
Why You Should Travel Now | THE DAILY HAPPINESS


Travelling is too expensive.” “I don’t have time right now“. These are the classic excuses people make when it comes to travelling. Stop making excuses because now is the best time ever!

Think of it. You don’t have a family and kids yet. Getting older can also mean buying a house and maybe having a mortgage. So use the advantage of still being young and discover the world. As for the part about the money, yes, travelling needs money, but it doesn’t always have to be that five-star hotel or a luxury resort. There are many different ways to save money, and with a saving goal, it is always easier than expected. Also, if you are still a student, there are plenty of student discounts concerning travelling.

Why You Should Travel Now | THE DAILY HAPPINESS
Why You Should Travel Now | THE DAILY HAPPINESS


Travelling will expand your horizon. With the chance to explore new cultures, usages and maybe a different philosophy of life, you will gain soft skills such as empathy and compassion. As a girl with Asian roots living in Europe, I can tell you from experience that I often feel like I live in two different worlds. The Asian culture is so different from the Western culture, yet both cultures are unique in their own way. I always thought that I was embracing more the Asian culture when I was growing up. Nevertheless, when I moved to Shanghai, I realised I was definitely more Western than Asian. I didn’t have so many problems with adapting to the culture, but it really made me realise that I am way more Western than Asian though.

When it comes to other cultures, I have never been to the UAE, for example, but I am inquisitive about their culture. Hence, I will definitely visit Dubai and Abu Dhabi one day. Furthermore, one of my favourite aspects: you can meet new people and even find friends for a lifetime. This was one of the best things that happened to me while I was living abroad.


Learning by doing! Keeping track of passports and visas, booking the right hotel, struggling through the metro map, or catching flights. There is a lot to take care of when you travel, and sometimes you even have to manage that all alone. Keeping track of passports and visas is actually a very tricky one. Especially if you never have had to do that before. Trust me, you don’t want to stand at the airport to realise that your passport’s expiration date is less than six months. It all happened to my family and me before. 

By now, I have experienced many crazy things when travelling, from missing a flight and camping at the airport to cancelled return flights. Even though it sounds scary, it actually isn’t that hard. After surviving situations like this a few times, you will be surprised how much you can handle independently and how independent you become. Therefore, I believe everyone should travel alone at least once in their life!


Sometimes in life, you just don’t know what you want yet. Travelling while young can be an excellent opportunity to diversify your experience early in life because it can open your mind to new possibilities. It takes you outside your comfort zone, helps you realise that you might want something different, and gives you a new perspective on things at home.

You can make your home everywhere in this world. Even when you get homesick or miss your family and friends, you will always have that lovely feeling of coming home and being welcomed whenever you want! So pack your carry-on must-havestravel in style, explore the world and travel now!

Dare to dream, be brave and go on adventures!

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Also, if you prefer visual content more, feel free to head over to my TikTok or Instagram account for visual travel content and inspiration.

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